Echoes of Migrations:
Memories and Representations of migrants (19-21th Century)
Lisbon, November,
8 -9, 2012
Faculty of Social and Human
Nova University of Lisbon
Nova University of Lisbon
This conference, organized by the Institute of Contemporary History (FCSH-UNL), aims to identify and compare the various models of representation associated with migration and the different types of actors involved in the making of the Modern Diaspora. We seek answers to a number of questions: How are migrants' narratives collectively reconstructed over time in the national memories of the host and origin countries? How are migrants represented in monuments and museum exhibitions dedicated to issues of migration? How do literature and film portray immigration and emigration? The conference will focus on a broad chronological period (the late 19th century to the present), which covers mass migrations cycles, in order to examine the constructed representations of migratory phenomena in various socio-economic, political, and geographic settings.
We highlight the following as possible themes for this
- Ideological/political speeches on emigration and immigration.
- Roles played by actors e.g. central and local powers of the state, private and public entities such as associations / institutions on the host and origin countries, the Church, the consular services and the public opinion.
The conference encourages interdisciplinary analysis and methodological debate. We welcome proposals from disciplines such as History, Anthropology, Political Science, Ethnology, Sociology, Demography, Visual Arts and Literature.
The conference encourages interdisciplinary analysis and methodological debate. We welcome proposals from disciplines such as History, Anthropology, Political Science, Ethnology, Sociology, Demography, Visual Arts and Literature.
The conference working
languages will be in Portuguese,
English, French, Spanish and Italian.
interested should send a form (only in word), conference
proposal (maximum 500 words) and
a brief CV (maximum 150 words) to
until May 15, 2012.
will be sent by the organization
by June 15, 2012.
Conference Committee
Carlos Javier Sanz (Madrid University-Spain)
Joaquim da
Costa Leite (Aveiro Univesity- Portugal)
Fernandes Alves (Oporto University- Portugal)
José Manuel
Sobral (Institute of Social Sciences – University of Lisbon - Portugal)
Fernanda Rollo (Institute of Contemporary
History, FCSH-UNL- Portugal)
Pereira (Pau University- France)
Xosé Manoel Nuñez Seixas (University of Santiago de Compostela,
The conference is
organised by
Fernanda Rollo (Institute of Contemporary
History, FCSH-UNL)
Maria João Vaz (University Institute of Lisbon
-ISCTE-IUL, Centre for Studies in Modern and Contemporary History, Lisbon,
Portugal; Emigration
Susana Chalante (Institute
of Social Sciences – University of Lisbon)
Yvette Santos (Institute of Contemporary History, FCSH-UNL)
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